Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Friends' Tenth Anniversary

I sort of want to Photoshop myself in here

I started watching 'Friends' when I was a little kid with my mom and new episodes were still airing. As a young viewer the show definitely gave me unrealistic expectations of friendship, relationships, working life, and as I'm sure I'll learn when I move to Greenwich Village in three months, living in New York City.

Who doesn't want to have five best friends who stick with you no matter what, an endless amount of free time to spend with said friends, and a gorgeous, spacious apartment in the Village in which to spend said time?

Unfortunately real life friendship drama isn't wrapped up in 22 minutes, you have to work hard to live in even a studio apartment in the big city, the person you are meant to be with probably hasn't been pining for you for 15 years, and, as I know from experience, you definitely can't remain best friends with your ex.

These sad truths still don't deter me from loving the sitcom. If anything I watch it because I know those things aren't true but it's nice to be immersed in the fantasy for a couple of hours - so maybe I'm a binge-watcher. It's fun to pretend to be the seventh Friend and chuckle at Phoebe's quirkiness, Chandler's sarcastic comments, Monica's OCD, Joey's pick-up-lines, and Ross and Rachel's tumultuous relationship.

Article: http://time.com/88806/friends-10th-anniversary-unrealistic/

1 comment:

  1. Has there ever been a show better than Friends? Everyone watched this show and it became an instant classic. Whether it was Ross getting married a million times or Joey just being Joey, the show always made the audience laugh. Like you, I have been watching this show ever since I was a little kid. Many people watch this show because they dream of having a relationship/group of friends as good as Monica, Joey, Ross, Rachel, Phoebe, and Chandler. I know I do. All in all, this was a fantastic show and I wish there were new episodes coming out soon.
