Thursday, May 29, 2014

Binge Watching

Shows I Want to Binge Watch:
'Broad City' - I will faithfully committ to anything that Amy Poehler has a hand in.
'Nashville' - I hear so many good things about this show and there are only a few seasons to catch up on so why not?
'The Fall' - I love Gillian Anderson. Just seeing her gives me 'X-Files' flashbacks.

Shows I Would Recommend Binge Watching:
'The Good Wife' - This show is everything. Can I be Alicia Florrick though? But I would make way better decisions about my personal life.
'Masters of Sex' - The acting is amazing. The writing is amazing. The storyline is amazing. It is all just amazing. I never thought I would think of Michael Sheen as sexy.

Shows I Have Binge Watched Within the Last Year:
'30 Rock' - I may or may not have specifically purchased Netflix to watch this show. Maybe.
'Parks and Recreation' - AMY POEHLER. THAT IS ALL.
'Sex and the City' - So the main reason I started binge-watching this is because once I found out I was moving to the city I wanted to watch anything that was set there but I had already seen every episode of 'Will & Grace' and 'Friends.' It was definitely worth all the nights spent home watching when my friends were out having lives.
'The Vampire Diaries' - Last summer I was in the mood for a little Ian Somerhalder so I dedicated the month of August not to doing my AP summer assignments but to enjoying the eye-candy that is the Salvatore brothers.
'Parenthood' - My friend makes fun of me when I talk about this show and says "Yeah my mom loves that show too."


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

'Castle' Season 6 Finale Cliffhanger


I have been a loyal 'Castle' fan since Rick was a playboy and Beckett sported some not-so-attractive short hair. Since then, I have been waiting for those two crazy kids to realize they were meant for each other. When they finally came to in the Season 4 finale, I never thought that two years later I would be gearing up to watch them get married. But they never made it to the alter.... Shocker. 

In a seemingly contrived cliffhanger as a ploy for ratings when the show returns in the fall, Castle's car was driven off the road by shady characters in a stereotypical black escalade before he could say his vows. What makes me the most angry about this is that the cliffhanger is really not all that cliffhanger-y. The show is named after him, so it is obvious that Castle is not dead. Of course Beckett is going to get him back and they will eventually get married. 

In my opinion, a real cliffhanger should be one where the outcome can't predicted with any high level of certainty. Even last season's finale, when Castle proposed to Beckett on the heels of her announcement of moving to D.C, you knew that somehow Beckett would end up back on the NYPD but I genuinely had doubts as to how the proposal would play out. 

I guess I just think 'Castle' can do better than fiery car crashes. I mean come on, just the week before Beckett was finally able to put her mother's killer in handcuffs and she can't even enjoy her bliss for one episode to marry her dreamy fiancĂ©?

My TCA Awards Wishlist

The difference between who I want to win and who likely will win.

These are all my own opinion.

Individual Achievement in Comedy:
Who I Want to Win: Amy Poehler, "Parks and Recreation"
Likely Winner: Jim Parsons "The Big Bang Theory"

Individual Achievement in Drama:
Who I Want to Win: Julianna Margulies, "The Good Wife"
Likely Winner: Tatiana Maslany, “Orphan Black” 

Outstanding Achievement in News and Information
Who I Want to Win: "The Daily Show with John Stewart"
Likely Winner:  "The Daily Show with John Stewart"

Outstanding Achievement in Reality Programmming
Who I Want to Win: "Shark Tank"
Likely Winner: "Shark Tank"

Outstanding Achievement in Youth Programming
Who I Want to Win: "Adventure Time"'
Likely Winner: I have not one clue or care

Outstanding New Program
Who I Want to Win: "Orange is the New Black"
Likely Winner: "Orange is the New Black"

Outstanding Achievement in Movie, Miniseries, and Specials
Who I Want to Win: "American Horror Story: Coven"
Likely Winner: "American Horror Story: Coven"

Oustanding Achievement in Drama
Who I Want to Win: "The Good Wife"
Likely Winner: "Breaking Bad"

Oustanding Achievement in Comedy 
Who I Want to Win: "Veep"
Likely Winner: "Brooklyn Nine Nine"

Career Achievement Award
Who I Want to Win: Valerie Harper
Likely Winner: Valerie Harper

Heritage Award
Who I Want to Win: "Saturday Night Live"
Likely Winner: I have not one clue

Program of the Year
Who I Want to Win: "The Good Wife"
Likely Winner: "Game of Thrones"


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Why "The Good Wife" is the Most Feminist Show Out There

Disclaimer: I am a woman. I am a Good Wife Fan. I am a proponant of female sexuality.

This article is one of my favorite things I have ever read. Nothing I can say can do it justice as it encapsulates everything I think but expresses it all better than I could.

When I started watching the show in September 2009 it was for the intrigue behind how a disgraced housewife picks up the pieces after a political husband's scandal. I wanted to see justification for why a woman would stay with a man who put her through such public humiliation. What I got was so much more.

When Alicia starts the show she is timid and vanilla and acquiescent to her surroundings, except in the courtroom. In the courtroom Alicia holds the power and she shines. Eventually that power spills over into the bedroom when her boss and longtime love interest, Will Gardner, helps her find her sexuality again after her husband stripped her of it. Will worships Alicia and the encounters they share are extremely erotic.

Her influence eventually recaptures her husband's attention and then this over 40 lawyer is torn between two powerful men who both desire her. As the article points out, this is so important because "regardless of how Alicia wields the power of her sexuality, it’s important to note that she is a woman over 40, on television, who undergoes a sort of sexual awakening with men near her same age." Alicia becomes the strong one while Will and her husband struggle under the hold she has on them.

What makes me the most proud of my favorite show this is that while female sexuality is such a taboo in society, the creators and writers are unafraid to fully embrace Alicia as a sexual being. Unlike the MPAA, "The Good Wife," a primetime network drama has no scruples about "showing a woman receiving non-reciprocated sexual pleasure." You go girl! It's about time women's sexuality be embraced the way men's sexuality is. 


Friends' Tenth Anniversary

I sort of want to Photoshop myself in here

I started watching 'Friends' when I was a little kid with my mom and new episodes were still airing. As a young viewer the show definitely gave me unrealistic expectations of friendship, relationships, working life, and as I'm sure I'll learn when I move to Greenwich Village in three months, living in New York City.

Who doesn't want to have five best friends who stick with you no matter what, an endless amount of free time to spend with said friends, and a gorgeous, spacious apartment in the Village in which to spend said time?

Unfortunately real life friendship drama isn't wrapped up in 22 minutes, you have to work hard to live in even a studio apartment in the big city, the person you are meant to be with probably hasn't been pining for you for 15 years, and, as I know from experience, you definitely can't remain best friends with your ex.

These sad truths still don't deter me from loving the sitcom. If anything I watch it because I know those things aren't true but it's nice to be immersed in the fantasy for a couple of hours - so maybe I'm a binge-watcher. It's fun to pretend to be the seventh Friend and chuckle at Phoebe's quirkiness, Chandler's sarcastic comments, Monica's OCD, Joey's pick-up-lines, and Ross and Rachel's tumultuous relationship.


Friday, May 23, 2014

How Working for 'Orange is the New Black' Helped a Writer Come Out

This article is a conundrum to me. It is equal parts somber and uplifting; the story of a women's feelings of isolation and ultimately, liberation. Lauren Morelli, a writer for the hit Netflix series "Orange is the New Black," explains how working for the show helped her realize the truth about her sexuality and have the courage to come out.

At times it can be a difficult read as Morelli explains the darkest points that followed her realization when she wanted to die because being a lesbian "meant losing the person I loved most in the world, meant coming out to my parents and tearing open the most vulnerable, soft parts of myself and showing them to everyone I knew, I would rather be dead. I was suicidal in a way that I hadn't been since eighth grade, when I took a bunch of Tylenol and went to sleep. The next morning I woke up feeling refreshed from the great sleep and excited that I could tell my friends about how depressed I was."

But one of the most important things Morelli expresses in the piece is how important it was that she was surrounded by acceptance. She describes the community of New York City and specifically the "Orange is the New Black" set "as the world's most supportive environment, surrounded by people in the LGBT community, where being a minority of any sort is joyfully celebrated...Mourning the end of my marriage and the identity that I'd known for my entire life, I hadn't yet stopped to consider that I was now a part of this community."

Morelli's story encourages readers to embrace their own sometimes messy narrative which might never fit the mold they believe they should fill. I think that is a wonderful story and I wish everyone would have such a supportive community in which they would feel safe to be themelves. Four for you Lauren Morelli, you go Lauren Morelli!


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Sitcom Theme Songs: A Dying Art

What's the Best Sitcom Theme Song of All Time?

This article really got me thinking and there truly are no good theme songs anymore. No catchy little tunes that get stuck in your head all day, that you notice yourself singing when you didn't even realize you were. In fact, many shows no longer have songs with lyrics at all; instrumental tracks have become the new trend. Without those informative and memorable lyrics how are we supposed to know what the show we are sitting down to watch is about?

With "Thank You for Being a Friend" we knew the Golden Girls was focused on a group of best friends. "Where Everybody Knows Your Name" told us exactly what kind of bar Cheers was for its patrons.

Those two are my personal favorite sitcom theme songs, but one that didn't make the list which shocked me is the classic, "Love Is All Around," which opened each episode of the Mary Tyler Moore song. (Just writing the name of it has that damn tune playing in my head on repeat: "you're gonna make it after all.....").


Parks and Rec Time Jump

Despite the teasers I had read online that the last three minutes of the Parks and Recreation season finale were not to be missed I never saw a time jump coming. Still every bit the ideal couple, Ben and Leslie looked fantastic three years later - Ben pulling off a tux complete with bow tie and Leslie rocking some edgy new bangs. Their adorable triplets made their television debut accompanied by babysitters Andy and April. It's safe to say that I was crying.

However after the initial rush of feelings settled, the logical part of my brain took over. What will a time jump do to the show I loved? So many television shows struggled from story lines such as this gone awry. Luckily, Buzzfeed put together a handy guide on the dos and don'ts for a successful time jump.

In fact, executive producer Mike Shur is already ahead of the game by explaining that the show will address one of the Dos: Plant Clues About Missing Time, "The majority of the season is going to take place in that time period. We may go back and see a couple of things here and there of what happened in the interim, but we’re not faking you out."

For the most part I agree with the list and have utter faith that the writers will create an amazing season which features all of the things fans love about the show: Lil' Sebestian, Tom's nicknames, Donna's live-tweeting, Gerry/Larry/Gary/Terry, April's sarcasm, Andy's dopey lovableness, Ron's hatred of government, and Ben and Leslie's utter perfection.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

'True Tori' Makes Me Sad

I have so many feelings about 'True Tori.' Let me just put this out there before I go into the trenches: I read all of Tori Spelling's books and faithfully watched her previous reality endeavors. I'm not particularly a Tori fan but I do sympathize with her. In my opinion, she is a genuine and caring person who has been through a lot of shit in her life. (Granted some of it was self-inflicted, but who hasn't screwed up?)

I am a firm believer that if someone has cheated once they probably will again. It is no secret that Tori and Dean hooked up when both were married and were cheating on their spouses. I agree with the logic that if he cheated with her, she shouldn't think he wouldn't cheat on her. But at the same time I sympathize with the fact that she was so in love with him and no one wants to hear that the person you believe is your soul mate, and has your name tattooed on him-or-herself, is going to hurt you. I also understand why Tori is still with Dean. It is easy to sit home and judge and throw around words like "cheater," "sex-addict," "alcoholic," "crazy," "desperate," "pathetic," and the like but ultimately, that man is the father of her children and the love of her life and it is completely understandable that she would do anything to work things out.

Okay, so now that that is out of the way I can say that watching 'True Tori' is really hard for me. It is difficult to see a couple's marriage dissolve on television. I feel horribly for their children who not only are experiencing all of the fighting and the yelling but will also have this television show as documented proof of just how ugly things got between their parents. That is not something any child should have to bear witness to. I also feel terrible for Tori. I know she believes doing this show is for the best because it helps her to share her story but I know that it can't be easy to put the darkest problems in your life on national television.

One of the only positive things I know of going on in Tori's life is that she seems to have the full emotional, and if necessary, financial, support of her mother, Candy Spelling, for the first time in a very long time. Candy and Tori have a notoriously difficult relationship which was damaged even further after the death of Tori's father, Aaron Spelling. It took a long time for them to come back together, a reunion I always hoped for as I poured through Tori's autobiographies and tuned in for her television shows. At a time such as this, it is so important that Tori, Dean, and their children have a ton of support so they can work on putting their fractured family back together or come to a peaceful separation.

I genuinely have no idea what is next for these two but I know no matter what it is, I will be reading/watching/cringing all the way.


Dina Manzo Returning to Real Housewives of New Jersey

The Ladies of Jersey (Season 6)

I don't know about you but when the announcement came at the end of a routine episode of the second season of Real Housewives of New Jersey that Dina Manzo had left the show I was flabbergasted. I loved Dina. Her big blonde hair, glitzy jewelry, Jersey accent, feuds with Danielle Staub, and such famous quotes as: "I don't know if she wants to be me or skin me and wear me like last year's Versace." (A quote I still use to this day).

Another bout of sadness came when I heard news of Dina's feud with her sister Caroline and sister-in-law Jacqueline, both on the show and easily my two favorite wives. This past year, after the end of the franchise's tumultuous fifth season, Caroline announced that she would not return and would instead have her own spin-off: "Manzo'd with Children." (You know I'll be tuned in). Following quickly on the heels of that was the news that Dina would return to RHONJ in the wake of her sister's absence.

She claims that she has been asked back numerous times and this was just the first time it felt to organic to return, I'm sure in no small part to the departure of both Caroline and Jacqueline from the show. Easily the show's breakout personality, Teresa Guidice, will remain the only original housewife on the show this season. Teresa, frenemy of Caroline and Jacqueline, is BFFs with Dina - which she never hesitated to throw in Caroline's face during an argument. Side note: A large focus of the new season will also undoubtedly be the legal troubles facing Teresa and her husband Joe.

While I am eager to see Dina Manzo on my television screen again, I am definitely not as much of a fan as I was 3 seasons ago. Three new women will be joining the cast this season and while my favorites are gone I am sure I will still watch without fail every week - and I'll lie to my friends and say "I don't actually like it. I just watch it because I'm from New Jersey." I can't help myself. It's like a fascinating sociology experiment. Where else but on the Real Housewives will you hear the phrase "a woman only needs two things: Dunkin' Donuts and oral sex" uttered with complete sincerity. I know it's a sick fascination but it's called a 'guilty pleasure' for a reason.


Monday, May 19, 2014

Best 'Weekend Update' Anchor(s)?

'Weekend Update' is one of the longest running SNL sketches, debuting along with the variety special itself in 1975. Over the last nearly four decades it has featured an assortment of solo as well as paired hosts, some filling the position better than others.
For those of you that may go out on Saturday nights as opposed to staying home with your cats and waiting anxiously for 11:30 p.m, 'Weekend Update' is SNL's parody news desk which features anchors who deliver the week's top stories as well as a variety of recurring special guest characters with well established personas, most notably Roseanne Roseannadanna, Stefon, and Drunk Uncle. 
'Weekend Update' is notoriously one of SNL's most popular sketches and typically features many of each episode's most memorable one liners. Therefore, successfully running the desk takes a certain kind of comic. In this article, Vulture analyzed and ranked the 17 different anchors or anchor teams to sit behind the desk from worst to best. In my personal opinion as an SNL connoisseur, I would have to say that a pair of anchors has tended to lend itself to much better material due to the chemistry, competition, and rhetoric that exists between the partners who each come alive with someone to play off of. 
My top two anchor teams of all time: 
  1. Dan Aykroyd and Jane Curtin 
  2. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler 
Aykroyd and Curtain were the first team to host 'Weekend Update' and their Point/Counterpoint segment is arguable one of the best in the show's history. Most Memorable Line: "Jane, you ignorant slut."

Fey and Poehler are the only all-female duo to host 'Update' in the show's history and they proved (if it still neded to be proven) that women are just as funny as men. The two real life besties made the audience feel in on all their jokes and like you were sitting around drinking wine with them on Girl's Night Out. Most Memorable Line: "Bitch is the new black!"